by Kevin Tumlinson | Jun 22, 2020 | Author How-To & Mindset
We don’t talk much about craft. It’s not that craft isn’t important. Knowing your craft, as an author, is one of the three most important parts of the business. Those three top-tier considerations for writers are: Know your craft Develop a writing discipline (write...
by Kevin Tumlinson | May 15, 2019 | Author How-To & Mindset
Imagine literary genres like a massive rainbow with each genre branching out into a lush color of its own, each with its set target audience. For too many years the novel section had been divided in: Science Fiction, Romance, Thriller, Mystery, Fantasy, Horror,...
by Chase Neely | Dec 12, 2018 | Author How-To & Mindset, Guest Post
A Special Guest Post on building your Personal Brand from Chase Neely, the Co-Founder and President of Leverage Creative Group It was a classic scene: 10:34 PM on a weeknight and I was staring at a blinking cursor on the bare page of a Word document. I had a term...
by Kevin Tumlinson | Aug 28, 2017 | Author How-To & Mindset
Or “Choosing a genre isn’t like choosing a face tattoo.” Recently, I was a guest on Author Platform Rocket, and the topic became “The Power of Pivot.” I chatted with Jonny Andrews about my own experience in shifting from one genre to another—sci-fi to thrillers—and my...
by Kevin Tumlinson | Jun 22, 2017 | Author How-To & Mindset
Writers may have different goals for their careers, but most (if not all) write in the hopes of being read. Getting to that, though, means first attracting the reader. There are almost countless ways to make your book as attractive and peacock plumage: Target the...