Out of the Shadows

by mohana rajakumar et al.

Publisher: mohana rajakumar

Product Description:

This collection features strong female chracters in short stories written by multiple award winning female authors.

These are stories about love, marriage, courage, and sadness. Enjoy this variety and learning more about each of the writers. At the end of each story is information for newsletter sign up so you'll get the latest news about upcoming projects.

What Is The Collective Noun for Crazy Old Ladies?
(A Beacon Hill Chronicles Short Story)
By Kathleen Valentine

Pork Chops and Promiscuity
By Jane Turley
A Slight Invasion
By Rosalind Minett

The Second Pair of Slippers
By Elizabeth Ducie
Love Sick
By Lisa Payne
Out of the Mouths of Babes
By Debbie Young
Night Hour
By Christine Nolfi
A Special Christmas
By Francis Guenette
By Mohanalakshmi Rajakumar