Relaunch! Stagnation, Change, and Renewal in Mid-Career and Beyond - Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Edition

by Steven Simon, Ph.D.

Publisher: Career Frontiers Press

Product Description:

RELAUNCH! offers hope in a time of sweeping change.


Has your work been upended by the COVID-19 pandemic? Are you having trouble seeing a path to finding meaning, decent pay and benefits for the rest of your career? Fear not! As Banksy, the famous street artist illustrates in his drawings, "THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE".


Just like in prior editions, RELAUNCH! teaches how you can find passion and meaning over the full span of your career. But now, the pandemic has changed the game. In this Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Edition, Steven Simon Ph.D., career counselor, psychologist, best-selling author, speaker, and observer of over 20,000 career stories, provides the information you need to regain control of your work life. He explains new strategies to find out what you do best, what gives you the most meaning, and the environments where you function best. He then helps you translate that into finding real jobs and careers in the emerging economy.

If you have been feeling anxiety about returning to work, loss of purpose, resentment about not being paid what you are worth, not sure of what you can do in a post-pandemic economy, uncertainty of how you can transfer your skills, or emotional chaos that impedes your progress, this book is for you. You will identify with the case stories and learn how to make "lemonade from lemons" in a pandemic and post-pandemic world. You will find hope and have the means to translate it into results.... even if you are starting anew.