Draft2Digital’s 2024 Year in Review

Draft2Digital’s 2024 Year in Review

We don’t know about you, but if the first three weeks of the new year are any indication, 2025 is off to a rip-roaring start! The best part of working at Draft2Digital is that we get to serve you, the indie author community, and do our part to help you get your books...

Migration Missive #11

To keep up with these Migration Missive updates, please visit our main Migration Updates page. It’s been two months since the last update and we are now 81.5% complete. Progress has still been slow over this time as we work to thoroughly test our migration tools...
The Smashwords End of Year Sale 2024!

The Smashwords End of Year Sale 2024!

Enroll now in the 8th Annual Smashwords End of Year Sale 2024! It’s hard to believe, but it’s been two years since Draft2Digital began distributing ebooks into the Smashwords store. Since then, every Smashwords sale has gotten bigger and better. Let’s break records...

Migration Missive #10

To keep up with these Migration Missive updates, please visit our main Migration Updates page. It’s been six weeks since the last update and we are now more than 80% complete. Unfortunately, as is often the case with big projects that last 20% can take a long...

Migration Missive #9

To keep up with these Migration Missive updates, please visit our main Migration Updates page. Again, we spent the last two weeks going through the automatic migrations. We migrated nearly 23,000 accounts and over 79,000 titles in that time. Automatic migrations have...