by Sarah Kuiken | Dec 15, 2021 | Author How-To & Mindset
“A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.” —Richard Bach Steve Martin once said that perseverance is a good substitute for talent. And by golly, I hope he’s right. Talent is sexy and compelling and mysterious. You can’t force talent—you can only hope it...
by Kevin Tumlinson | Aug 31, 2021 | Author How-To & Mindset
I do a lot of one-on-one author coaching, especially around conference season. And in the decade or so that I’ve been chatting with new, incoming, and will-be authors, there are certain recurring questions that I get asked. Most could be boiled down to “How do I sell...
by Kevin Tumlinson | Aug 24, 2021 | Author How-To & Mindset
Characterization that captures the reader’s attention comes down to something I’ve learned from (of all things) marketing: Make the character personable. From a strictly dictionary definition, personable means having a pleasant appearance and manner...
by Kevin Tumlinson | Mar 29, 2021 | Features & Walk-Thrus
Let’s face a harsh fact: When it comes to making money, there are a lot easier ways to do it than writing and publishing. Stroke for stroke, books usually bring a poor return on investment (ROI), once you factor in the time it takes to research and write, the cost and...